Mad Men: Mystery Date (2012)
Season 5, Episode 4
This episode was the best ever
14 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've just returned from a big discussion over dinner about this episode. I had said that I thought it was the best yet, others at our table thought it was the worst. I was told to "view Don, essentially, as a coward". I'm sorry, but he didn't want to die in a jungle in the middle of nowhere after having had such a miserable early life and feeling he had so much yet to contribute to society. That is not a coward, that was survival. Leaving that facet aside. This is a man tortured by his appetites. Being faithful, being of one purpose, being single-minded, is not something he can do for a long time. He is split in two, like his two identities, he cannot reconcile the conflict in his personality. And his personality represents a much wider voracious consumerism that is now, 40 years later, totally rampant. Thank you!
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