Review of 10,000 BC

10,000 BC (2008)
Listen to what I'm saying: Watch it on Mute, turn off the subs and put some Enya's song to play.
5 May 2012
For the first time i've decided to watch a move without looking informations about it before here in IMDb. I though this way it could get more interesting. Well. I didn't happen and i know why (you probably know too). Ohh jeez, it sucked. And I want my two hours back.

This thing flows without ANY emotion, and not even the beautiful scenarios it was filmed in were capable of triggering any sense of freedom, courage or bravery from any of the characters, which were pretty bad in their acting too. And by bad acting I don't add any exception, they're all suck.

The plot is so predictable that DVD back cover couldn't be able to create no feeling of twist. And there is no twists at all. D'leh looses his girl, become an warrior, reunite and army and go after his malefactors (please, try no to confound this with Spartacus).

Thre is a articular scene, were D'leh and other boring guy are tide to a net trying to catch the mammoth. Yeah, we can hear their voices "screaming" just like if they were sitting on a bar talking about sports. Talking about talking, WHY THE HELL they've made Warlord's voice went through digital modification? It's the same cr**p that happen with King Xerxes on 300. Something like this, just can't end up cool.

Probably the worst part of everything is the English along: everything. Really?!?! Some time ago i've watched Apocalypto, and that ancient Maian stuff were what have made the movie great. But in 10.000 Before Christ the best language were probably some screams with burps and farts. Historicly it also makes thousands of mistakes. Sextant were created in 1750 AFTER Christ. Egypt Pyramids were builted up somewhere between 8000 and 4000 BC. NICE! This historical "mistake" (because there is, of course, some contradictions, after all is history we're talking about) reminded me about Jack O'Neil talking pyramids were builted before 8000bc by some alien civilization in Stargate (1994 - from the same director).

And then we have the Narrator, which kept God of War's Athena at my mind every time he started speaking. Hahaha. Noting against Omar Shariff. His voice matches with his narrator purpose, but the problem is WHAT THE HELL WAS GAVE HIM TO SAY? Reaally, that's was painfully boring and cliché. This movie could be much better done without a single recognizable word from ANY CHARACTER. And saving the narrator to have something to get ashamed of.

Soundtrack ain't amazing, but without one would be worse. Photography's not amazing, but black and white Could be worse.

What was nice and saved 3 points to the whole thing were the Piramyd Building Workers (id est. slaves)... building the pyramid. Nop, they haven't use on steroids elephants that time but, those scenes were pretty well done, actually. Thumbs up for that (and just for that).
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