Divergence (2007)
Very slow movie with strong theme of connection
17 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Not the greatest film I have ever watched but far from the worst. Not much action gut not much to jerk the tears either.

Very slow movie that (finally) builds to the inevitable connection of these two broken souls and how they deal with his re-deployment to Iraq. It is an OK movie, a rental when you do need that slightly gloomy movie to remind you how we are all a bit "broken" and that we can still make something meaningful from what remains.

A lot of time is spent building up to their eventual "discovery" of each other. There is also a lot of time spent as they try to "figure out" how to deal with his re-deployment. She wants to run away together and he eventually agrees, but you can tell that he feels too obligated by duty to actually become a deserter. This outcome seems inevitable, regardless of his feelings about the war and what it has become.

In short, it is fairly well acted for what it is..... A film where two broken characters meet, bond, only share a little of how they are broken, accept each other for who they are, dream how to escape their lives, and then, in the end, are ripped apart although each is stronger for the experience. No happy ending, nothing to make you cry either. Their futures are left unresolved with no promises but some implied hope.
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