Twin Peaks: Lonely Souls (1990)
Season 2, Episode 7
The killer is exposed
19 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Shortly after the episode opens Agent Cooper and most of the police head to the Great Northern Hotel, along with Mike who has a seizure the moment Ben Horne enters the room, meanwhile Hawk goes to Harold Smith's house to recover Laura's dairy but finds Harold hanged and the dairy torn apart. After confronting her father about what she learnt at One Eyed Jacks Audrey tells Agent Smith what she know; this information, along with what he learnt from the damaged diary leads to Benjamin Horne being arrested in front of the mysterious Mr Tojomura. With Ben in custody for the murder Agent Cooper, Sheriff Truman and 'The Log Lady' go for a drink; while watching the singer something strange happens; she fades from Cooper's view and a vision of The Giant appears and intones the words 'It is happening again... it is happening again'. The action then cuts to the Palmer house and we see a familiar character looking in the mirror to see Bob looking back at him! Maddy then comes downstairs and is attacked and killed... thus solving one of televisions greatest mysteries... 'Who killed Laura Palma?'

This was a top notch episode; the most important scenes is obviously Maddy's murder where we finally learnt who the killer is; this scene is shocking and almost painful to watch due to the brilliant way it is filmed. Sheryl Lee did a fine job as Maddy, it will be a sad not seeing her gentle character again. The way the scene was 'announced' was brilliant too; the appearance of the Giant was spine-tingling and way the old waiter goes over to Cooper after the killing to offer his condolences was both poignant and surreal. While this was obviously the most important part of the episode there was a lot more to be enjoyed to... when we learn Mr Tojomura's secret it is almost as shocking as learning who the killer was and the scene with amnesiac Nadine thinking she is still school age when she visits the Double R diners was strangely amusing. My only concern now is how on Earth will they top this episode? There are other mysteries remaining though so I'm sure things will remain interesting... for a start we may know who the killer is but the police don't!
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