Excellent stuff
20 May 2012
OK so why Japanese movies don't have higher budgets? These types of movies deserve much more money. What they can do with 20x time less than US movies is amazing.

Excellent work, excellent movie, please film more of such Sci-Fi movies, this is great. More more more ! I just can't believe that we could get for instance 16 movies of such quality e.g. 12 milion per movie = $200 million, and one US movie costs $200 million(Transformers). I could watch 10 movies instead of 1, that would be superb ! Blu-ray's here I come :-)

I mean Transformers for example are ALL about mambo-jumbo folks, some teen "superstars" and we have a movie - WRONG ! Quality movie doesn't requires superstars, it requires good story, great directing and great production. 'Yamato' movie showed us that.

Now about the movie, effects, robotics etc only Japanese can do that, nice stuff guys. Love the sound, and sound effects.

Enjoy watching this !
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