Review of Iron Sky

Iron Sky (2012)
Terrible plot, not enough action to be entertaining
30 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I, like so many others have posted before me, was very much hyped for this movie, the trailer made it seem like it would be an instant classic, full of action and comedy, but failed to deliver much of either.

***Spoilers*** It starts off fairly plot heavy, a black-male man lands on the moon, in order to campaign for a president made to look like Sarah Palin, but thereby discovers space Nazis, where after they follow him to earth, and somehow end up leading Palins campaign and get her elected. At this point I'm wondering when they were getting to the action part, as over half the movie had passed without any action whatsoever. And then suddenly the plot takes the turn expected from the start: the Nazis invade the earth, which completely changes the plot direction from the first half of the movie. The Nazis attack earth with massive UFO's, but the humans are more than capable of deterring the nazi menace, which leaves the Nazis no choice but to launch the "Götterdämmerung", but which fails to achieve anything more than blow a small chunk off the moon. I was left feeling "really, was that it" as it came crashing down after a few minutes in the air. The plot and script were incredibly poor, but I hadn't expected it to be good from the start: I was looking forward to a brainless action movie, which leaves me wondering why the dedicated over half the movie to build up some cheesy plot. The action way too predictable, and no where near enough to save the movie, as there wasn't anything else apart from the CGI and music to be interested in.

The plot was all around terrible, at first it's about some technologically advanced Nazis, that even though they can inhabit the moon and build advanced spacefighters, they are too technologically inept to figure out a way to use their spaceship without the computing power of an Ipad. They're portrayed typical dumb Nazis, and at the same time are more advanced than the rest of the world, and yet get taken down so easily, because in the end, they're just dumb Nazis.

The love story is especially poor, as Renate (Julia Dietze) falls in love with James (Christopher Kirby) for seemingly no other reason than he's black. You don't get to know anything about him, apart from that he's a black model. Nothing else is revealed. Klaus (Götz Otto), on the other hand, is revealed to have ambition, he believes that one day he will rule the nazi base on the moon and displays active interest in having Renate as his wife, but he's just a dumb nazi with dumb nazi views, so Renate falls in love with the black man instead. He doesn't do anything the whole movie, until at the very end he pulls some wires which ends up crashing the huge nazi spaceship, but that didn't even matter, as Renate had already killed off the nazi leader. So the only reason he's in the film is to have Renate fall in love with him, even though he never displays any interested in her.


In short, it's a bad movie all around, the plot is terrible and the action is just too short lived to provide any real entertainment, because they've decided to devote more than half the movie on trying to scrape the plot together, which should just have been used as an excuse to show great action scenes in the first place, but instead just ends up destroying whatever hope it had of becoming an instant classic within action movies.

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