Lex Barker goes through the motions
11 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In Germany this was pushed as a sequel to the similarly-themed Captain Falcon which also starred Lex Barker and Livio Lorenzon, while the French went one step further actually calling Barker's character Robin Hood, but the Italians and English opted for the rather ambiguous Knight Of 100 Faces which has no real relevance at all.

Barker plays Riccardo D'Arce, a good hearted outlaw in the Robin Hood mould, though going by the names the film would appear to be set in medieval Italy or Spain.

The villains are Lorenzon as the Count Fosco di Vallebruna and Howard A.E. Böhme as Duke Ambrosia di Pallanza. Bianca (Annie Alberti), the Duke di Pallanza's beautiful daughter is engaged to Fosco but in love Riccardo, while his son Ciro (Alvaro Piccardi) is Riccardo's best friend and in love with one of Riccardo's band of rebels, feisty gypsy Zuela (Liana Orfei), who is also desired by Fosco.

When Ciro is killed by Fosco's men Riccardo is blamed for the murder, but when the Duke announces a tournament (the films colourful highlight) for Bianca's hand in marriage, at Zuela's suggestion, Riccardo cunningly eliminates many of the rivals, but then falls ill himself. Will he recover in time to prove his innocence and win the tournament?

This has it's share of mildly amusing light hearted moments, including one with Barker in drag, but is little more than a mildly enjoyable briskly-paced fluffy time filler with the stars all on autopilot in roles they were overly familiar with from other pictures.

There are numerous editing differences between the 91 minute English and 75 minute German language prints, with the English version (available from Atlas Visuals) containing several scenes missing from the German one (an official EMS DVD release) and many extended scenes, accounting for the substantial differences in length.
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