A New Day
8 July 2012
I have viewed elsewhere while all the while viewed here as well the spoken desire by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to not cheat or not to tell lies.He,Adolf Hitler said with remarkable heart and pathos in numerous speeches that he not only did not want to lie but did not want to promise what he in fact could not deliver.He clearly said he will not cheat,and further promised to represent such a truth as to defy those that had sought such clarity from his candidancy.He saw a new beginning and a reborn German people.The Reborn German people were of such an expression as to be believed.He Adolf Hitler believed in Germany and sought to inspire the German nation to a new day as being upon the German people.When we look at this it is without reservation that when Adolf Hitler talked to the Hitler Jungen I listened.They,the Hitler Youth(Jungen)were Nazi Germanies belief in this new day indeed Germanies future may very well have carried the day in its entirety.They the youth of Germany were to be as it were Germanies future.It was an unmistakable consideration as German citizens were to be turned inside out or from the inside out so to regain what these others and if you will other interests had so aptly taken from Germanies true identity.Adolf Hilter did more than remind the ordinary German citizen he told them that they should willingly provide for each other and it is in providing for each other that they will start anew.The Military like the people shared something as one German Citizenry that many did not know.You could sit down at anothers table almost without causing a raised eyebrow.This was truly great thinking and truly great was the promises unfolding as it were while Nazi Germany sought to find a New Government(Perhaps even a new way)This was the dilemma that Adolf Hitler Nazi Dictator and Germanies out right leader had to determine. Such a witness was as to be one hand and one heart with one German soul,its very identity was to be reborn.Excellent! and indeed bordering on inspiration.What Happened ? The Citizenry were as it were empowered and thus neighbor in concept turned against neighbor rather than as it may of been put forward above working to the good of there neighbor.Hitler youth seemingly enthralled with the idea of having a real legitimate place in Germanies future looked indeed even upon there own and drew lines of separation causing a threat to appear within ones own heart and ones own community and ones own family.There was sown the seeds of an element not entirely foreseen.That this new day was freightening as the people became less and more of something not entirely understood.It would be an error not to be entirely forthright as what was occurring once Adolf Hitler became Chancellor.The enlistment of the Universities in the many successful book burning ceremonies(I believe there were some 34 such ceremonies in total)was not surprising but unifying.It seems leadership was more than merely formative at the University level it was very nearly fully participated in.The reborn German identity did indeed take hold with Jewish Citizenry suffering with greater and greater certainty.There was no future in Nazi Germany for the Jewish Citizen however if you could not afford the trip to America of Perhaps France,England you might not know it then but life was to become rare for you,that is most would die.It was put forward that Adolf Hitler utilized such a pomp and ceremony when they did things that the Spectacle became a prop of the intended impression.It worked!the large size gatherings,the overheated rhetoric the virtual pomp was a true awe inspiring accomplishment by the Nation of Germany.This is just such a story.A useful look at the Rise of Nazi Germany.
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