Review of Wyvern

Wyvern (2009 TV Movie)
Terrible SyFy Channel creature feature.
11 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wyvern is set in the small town of Beaver Mills in Alaska where trucker Jake (Nick Chinlund) is recovering after an accident in which he crashed his rig injuring himself & killing his brother. Nearby a huge cliff collapses into the sea & exposes a huge Dragon like flying reptile which promptly wake sup after being buried for millions of years & heads straight for the nearest food source, Beaver Mills & it's residents. Soon the entire town has come under attack from the flying flesh eating predator & it's up to trucker Jake & a few other random survivors to kill the Wyvern before it kills them...

This American & Canadian co-production was directed by Steven R. Monroe who also made the other SyFy Channel creature features Ogre (2008), Mongolian Death Worm (2010) & Jabberwock (2011) as well as directing the notorious remake of the even more notorious I Spit on Your Grave (1978) & one has to say that Wyvern is easily the worst of those films already mentioned, it's a really bad SyFy Channel creature feature that isn't even any fun & doesn't even try to do anything different. This is standard monster film fare that is throughly routine, predictable & drawn out, for all the depth in the script Wyvern has it could have easily been made into a thirty minute television program rather than a full length 90 minute feature film. Bland character's including a really annoying Deputy, a Nordic Hillbilly & the typical all American hero don't help & the monster itself just isn't that interesting with no back-story apart from what Hillbilly says about it & no explanation behind it's thawing out or how it manages to lay eggs (did it mate with itself?). The ending is forgettable without even a proper fight between the hero & monster, a few of the supporting character';s are killed off while a few survive but you won't care who & having only just finished watching it I can honestly say I can't remember anything about it.

There's a bit of gore, a guy has his arm bitten off & the gory stump & severed limb are shown a few times, there's some bad CGI blood splatter & not much else. The CGI computer animated Wyvern is actually quite impressive, it's detailed & fairly well animated but what lets it down is that it never really affects it's surroundings like when it lands the trees & bushes don't move & nothing on the ground is disturbed so while the Wyvern is a decent animated monster it looks nothing more than an animated monster that has little or no interaction with anything 'real' in any of it's scenes. Because the monster is a big flying reptile Dragon it's hard to believe that it could creep up on anyone without them noticing so some of the attack scenes are just poorly staged as this huge Dragon just appears out of nowhere, it's not like the survivors wouldn't see it coming literally a mile off, I mean what's in the sky to hide it? All anyone would have to do is keep an eye on the sky & you would know where it was. Or am I wrong? Am I missing something?

Filmed in Vancouver in Canada it's well made for what it is, the CGI effects are better than expected but there are plenty of other much better films with good effects. The acting is average, I hear that the cast is quite good with some veteran actor's but I can't be bothered to look them up, all I will say is I didn't recognise anyone myself.

Wyvern is your typical crap SyFy Channel creature feature that has decent CGI effects but is a total bore. I really can't think of a single reason why I would want to watch this again.
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