Pitch Perfect (2012)
Crazy Funny!!!
13 July 2012
Take Bring It On, Glee (not in the icky cheesy way, but because there's singing involved, the good kind), Mean Girls, and add some quick-witted, sharp-tongued dialogue and commentary, and you have the funniest of movies.

At first I was leery: a movie about A Cappella singing groups; I thought at best, it would be a teen flick. Yes, I know, Anna Kendrick. But bigger (some better) names have made some doozies. But, I was unbelievably surprised. Every kind of humour is covered here, and done to absolute perfection. You will be adopting many, many of the lines into your daily lexicon.

For me, Rebel Wilson (as Fat Amy) and Elizabeth Banks (as Gail, the commentator) have some of the most hysterically smart lines ever committed to celluloid (right up there with Young Frankenstein).

Loved it.
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