Reality Intervenes
17 August 2012
I have noted in my reviews of several other stories in THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES that the reason this series works so well is that the scripts handle serious issues in a purely symbolic manner. Like all good science fiction and fantasy, it allows the discussion of issues in a form that removes the side issues and allows the artist and writer to look at them in a manner that permits clarity. Other stories have handled the issues of ambition and separation anxiety (THE NIGHTMARE MAN) and the inability of foes to communicate (SKY). This episode tackles the problems of homelessness, but does not hide it in symbols, as Clyde is thrown out onto the street.

Despite this violation of the basic techniques of the series, this one works well on its own terms, in no small part due to some lovely lines about the psychology of the homeless and a nice part written for Lily Loveless as Ellie Farber.

There are some things in this episode that indicate that this story would have been continued in later episodes, like a bus that takes homeless people away for a fresh start. Alas, Elisabeth Sladen, the actress who played Sarah Jane, died after the first three episodes of Series Five were filmed, so we may never known.
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