Small Town Security (2012–2014)
Absolutely Awful. Trash. Makes my eyes hurt.
17 August 2012
I have never felt compelled to actually write a review but my distaste for this show motivated me to do so. After seeing my favorite network (History Channel) ruined by garbage aka "reality TV" shows, I began to feel a sinking feeling when I saw the previews for "Small Town Security. I really dreaded a reality show and the dark specter of an entire network reality takeover (like History Channel). I felt AMC was at least safe from the reality TV curse, after all, AMC was the reason I still had cable. Knowing they're capable of producing such awesome shows as Mad Men, Breaking Bad, the Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels, etc I decided to give it a try. I made it about 15 minutes into an episode before I realized that I would actually rather watch commercials than this garbage. The dialog is crude. The characters have zero interesting stories to tell. This is the worst of the worst, when it comes to reality TV. There is no purpose to this program. Typically with reality programming, I see something is being contested, or there is a story being told, or the characters are moving towards a goal. None of this is true with this show. It's simply several awful looking people doing mundane, pointless activities with profanity laced conversation in between. There is zero enjoyment in this show. Whoever is responsible for this at AMC needs to be fired. In no way does this fit in with their reputation or any of their programming. In reading the other comments here, it appears I am not alone in my distaste. To add insult to injury, this stupid program screwed up my Sunday night TV schedule. If this makes a second season, I'm starting a petition.
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