The Neighbors (2012–2014)
If you love your life you will stay away from this "sitcom"
27 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea how someone could actually enjoy this. After the season premier of Modern Family me and my Brother just decided to give the show a chance, which was a mistake. After the very first scene I knew it was going to be bad, but they successfully made it worse.

First, the aliens are not funny. The cold alien humor has been done so many times that it is bordering on cliché. I also happened to notice that everything was green, which made me want to throw a remote at the TV because really? How cliché is it for aliens to be green.

Second, they desperately pull for jokes to the point where it is actually sad. The "wife" alien throwing the dishes out the window was slightly funny the first time, but after the fourth or fifth time it just got tired.

Third, why is the phone sex lady from Seinfeld the biggest actor in the show? There was no one else willing to do the show? Shocking because it is terrible.

Fourth, the aliens telling the humans that they are aliens in the first episode? What is the rest of the show going to be about because I could not tell you. If it is just about aliens learning from humans then it is going to get real old real fast for people who actually enjoyed this show.

Fifth, how in the world can this show seriously think it can follow Modern Family? How many Emmy's did Modern Family win? I can tell you this show will never win anything. Whoever thought they could ever try and follow the greatest sitcom (that actually makes people laugh) on TV was sadly mistaken.

Sixth, who thought of this horrible plot for the show? If I was a sitcom writer and someone gave me the Neighbors idea or the Seinfeld "this show is about nothing" idea I would choose Seinfeld. I cannot believe this was actually aired.

Seventh, they really tried to make people laugh by naming all the aliens after famous athletes, but it did not work. It was not funny when the aliens first started naming the other aliens and it was not funny when they kept calling the little kid "dick".

Eighth, I need to point out how the aliens have got to be kidding me. E.T. looks more believable. They look like the pile of crap that Lisa turns Chet in Weird Science, and even the pile of crap looks better than these aliens.

Ninth, The aliens having "sex" was by the far the worse part in the TV show. The writer's seriously tried to grab every last laugh out of everyone that they could, and it was not successful.

Tenth, the second I heard the aliens call their "phone" a poopad I knew I should have turned it off, but I did not because I figured I would give it a chance. All the aliens have cliché things like a UFO, Sleeping Pods, oh and of course space suits.

Most of the time I watch something and do not like it I will tell people "Just give it a chance because you may appreciate it more than me," but for the love of TV shows do not contribute to this show. I wish I could have that 30 minutes of my life back. Whatever you do stay away from this horrid thing they call a sitcom.

One more thing I would like to point out. When they casted the actor for the aliens son did they just say "Hey, we should get the most hideous kid that has no emotion what so ever"
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