McCloud: The Disposal Man (1971)
Season 2, Episode 4
typical McCloud
10 October 2012
Sitting in a Chinese restaurant McCloud is confronted with two guys teasing him for a fight. One of them is ready for it but McCloud ignore him until a knife is taken out of the enemy. But it's a set-up, it's just to inform McCloud about a sniper in New York trying to kill a millionaire.

From there on McCloud becomes the bodyguard of the honest businessman with an extreme talent for abrading everyone in his path. He's searching for a retired hit-man in New York to help him to find the hit-man in New York.

Of course McCloud's boss doesn't agree with McCloud and nobody wants to help him but his charms do a lot to trick people to help McCloud.

Another nice entry in the series that has a lot of views over old New York.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Story 3/5 Effects 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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