Review of Sherlock

Sherlock (2010–2017)
Updated, high quality, entertaining, don't miss it!
28 October 2012
I thought bringing SH to the present would be a bit difficult since everything is radically different specially in the crime solving area, but the writers have done it, and very successfully!! Now, instead of writing to the newspapers the characters have blogs, they text each other, google information with their smartphones while standing in the crime scenes, Holmes X rays stuff, experiments with body parts in the microwave... It is very well adapted! My congrats to Moffat and Gatiss, not an easy task!

The police consult with Holmes when they get sort of stuck with the cases, very much like in the books. Except this Sherlock (always uses the first name, never goes by Holmes!) is much more "disfunctional" than the original. He knows he is smart, gets bored easily and has no romantic interest like in the book, but is far more arrogant, sometimes completely insufferable and shows much less social intelligence. It is an acceptable twist to the character given these times of House and Sheldon, apparently social awkwardness is totally "in". Cumberbatch is really an awesome actor, he can go from boredom to excitement or anger in 1 second only with a look in his eyes, he is very expressive!!

Watson I have to say is my favorite Watson ever. Holmes has been portrayed in various different ways, but Watson was always the adorkable side kick or some variation of it (even Jude Law). This Watson is terribly normal, sometimes he reacts as any regular person would if we were in his place. He starts following Holmes out of curiosity and because he has nothing else to do, but ends up becoming his friend. Although, Holmes continues to get on his nerves, no matter how best friends they are. Freeman makes this Watson believable.

All the rest of the cast are also very correct, worth mentioning Moriarty here (a completely crazy version of Holmes but with better social skills that let him get away with everything). The pace of each episode is never boring and some are even adrenalinic.

And then, there's the city. The cabs, the landmarks, the accent, the weather, everything screams London from the opening sequence on, it is a major hit, I feel like I want to visit!! I never saw London like this, it's almost one more character. I hope they exploit the city more on future seasons.

Don't miss this show! Well written, well acted, well made, one of the best! (by the way, House was inspired by SH).
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