Shadowed (2012)
Alone in the woods?!? A terrific first effort for Johnson
18 November 2012
I caught the East Coast premiere of "Shadowed" last week and my wife summed up the edge-of-your-seat suspense when she leaned over and whispered: "I'm so glad I'm not out in the forest with them!"

There's something primal about being lost in the woods when the sun goes down... a sinking feeling in the stomach and growing panic. Add the reason for being in the woods in the first place - 5 twenty-somethings mourning the loss of a murdered friend - and you've got the recipe for a looong night.

More than just a murder mystery around the campfire, Johnson blends convoluted relationships, unspoken grudges, creepy characters, and an ominous soundtrack to keep the pace moving and the audience guessing until the very end.
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