Taeter City (2012)
Action, blood and 80's style?? YEEEEAH I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!
21 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
STORYLINE: In a city full of criminals, the Authority (a dictatorship composed by crazy masked peoples) invented a wave system that can convert the killers into suicidal. All those criminals corpse are used by bikers (the Authority policeman) to feed the masses. Everything looks quite, until a man (that looks like a deformed version of Prototype the video game) mutate under the wave effect. He just become stronger and infective, and transforms all the people in super killers. It's will be a mess, and no one will survive.

MY REVIEW: This movie is an adrenaline shot from the very first scene. The movie open with two butcher that are laughing watching a fat criminal cutting himself with a knife. Then they shot him in the middle of his eyes with some sort of gun, and his brain and eyes just squirt out the skull. And I tough immediately: that's what I call a cool begin :D The violence level in Tater City is just over the top. After the title end, a circus of violence starts, blood and guts, crazy advertisements, and the story of those bikers that try to capture the Prototype guy, with crazy flashback. It's like the movie is a collection of little puzzle clips, that compose a bigger great paint.

-During all the movie, you will see something violent or nasty, a murder or more than one, and everything happen in front of your eyes. I monitored that it happens every 40 seconds. But this is not a sick movie like the torture porn movies, it is more a blast of action and funny moments, and blood is just essential here.

-The practical effect are awesome, I'm not a fan of computer graphic, but digital effects improves them seriously: sometime the amputations looks almost real

-I appreciated the cheesy costumes, and the futuristic technology too, it's cheesy but absolutely not bad, and it is very original. Some kind of medical kit with hot metal inside to close your wounds, flying gas elevators, super motorbike, shock guns, and other stuff that let you feel the futuristic city on your skin.

-The digital effects are lights years away from any other low budget movie, some effects look exactly like the effects you can see in big productions (something remembered me "district 9" and "the cube")

-The story is not original and pretty stupid, but it works well to keep you entertained during the total 80's massacre,and crazy action, the first and only purpose of this movie, like quoted in the cover.

-Differently from the first movie Adam Chaplin (that I love immensely, but that in some part was a little bit slow) there is never a dull moment. The action is everywhere: the editing is fast and crazy, and also the advertisements look like action sequences.

ONE OF THE BEST SEQUENCE IN THE MOVIE: All the butchers inside a human slaughterhouse become crazy, under the Prototype guy influence. They start to kill each other: some rip off their own arms, heads are smashed with bare hands, skull bashed in with metal pipes, throat sliced with knifes... and many similar "funny" stuff. Than arrive a bikers with a special shotgun that shots explosive dart... and everything become just a total blood bath. To conclude, the Prototype guy take a chainsaw and cut him in half, from head to ass, then he escape from the slaughterhouse with a truck, smashing heads and body. And I was like "HELL YEAH!!!"

FINAL THOUGH: I watched it 4 times in 5 days, and I will watch it again with my friends, it's never boring and there are so many different sequences, so many details, that you can't remember them all. So you can always be entertained by this movie. I really really loved and enjoined it, and I suggest it to every 80's and action lovers, not only to splatter fans, because the blood here is mostly funny, not disturbing, and the general action is just outstanding. Of course if you are looking for a movie with a deep story, awesome acting, stay away from this movie, it could hurt you.

VOTE 8.5/10 (rounded to 9)
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