Shadowed (2012)
An unexplained death artfully solved through flashbacks during an unnerving night in the woods
25 November 2012
Well-selected actors and what must be one of the best soundtracks to hit the low-budget screen help drive this film's story. Instead of a standard chronological tale, well-placed flashbacks dish out what really happened the night of a woman's death. It is more than a mystery solved - the events surrounding the tragedy effect the people involved in a manner that will leave you saddened, sickened but also silently cheering. The movie will cause movie-goers minds to reel with "whys hows and I wonders," which will provide great conversation during after-movie cocktails.

This is the type of movie that I'd like to see more often in theaters. There is suspense, violence and evil, but it isn't graphic. The unsettling story is nicely contrasted with what starts out as a seemingly-innocent camping trip in the woods. The photography is gorgeous and the overall package is a great movie-night experience.
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