Christopher Nolen has outdone himself
4 December 2012
I had been eagerly anticipating the opening of this film ever since I heard that it was going to be made. However I didn't think Christopher Nolen would be able to surpass 'The Dark Knight Returns'; he might come close, and that was all that I hoped for. My two main concerns were trying to find a villain that would stand up in comparison to Heath Ledger's Joker, and the casting of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.

I thought Tom Hardy was outstanding in 'Warrior', but his performance as Bane is brilliant. Unlike some others, I think the voice is perfect, and some of his monologues are amazing. His version of Bane is obviously very intelligent (unlike the Bane in Batman and Robin), and that coupled with his physical capabilities, violence and merciless single mindedness to his task, make him a terrifying adversary for Batman.

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman really surprised me. I was one of the many who doubted she could pull off the role, but she handled it easily, and the interaction between her and Batman/Bruce Wayne really worked. Another newcomer to the franchise, Joseph Gordon-Levitt was also very good as Blake, particularly in a scene where he is rescued by Batman. The look of adulation on his face is perfect, and much of his character is summed up in that one look.

Indeed most of the actors did their jobs exceedingly well. Michael Caine as usual was fantastic, as were Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman; but perhaps the most improved performance was from Christian Bale. That's not to say he didn't do a good job previously, he did, however I think he just nailed Bruce Wayne/Batman in this third installment.

If I had to find fault in any of the acting, I would have to say I was disappointed in the performance of Marion Cottilard. Who as another reviewer said 'seemed to be going through the motions', and I found Matthew Modine to be a bit annoying, although perhaps that was just the character.

The story itself takes up eight years after The Dark Knight Returns, and much has changed in Gotham. Batman has retired after taking the blame for Harvey Dents crimes, and Gotham is free of organised crime.

The arrival of Bane in Gotham brings Batman out of retirement, but is he what he once was, and has he underestimated this new threat.

Nolan has attempted, and I believe succeeded in bringing Batman to life. Unlike previous versions, Nolan's Gotham is not comic book, it is a real city. Also unlike previous incarnations, much of the action takes place during the day, even more so than The Dark Knight Returns.

There are many references to the first two films in the trilogy, yet you do not necessarily have to have seen them to understand and enjoy the third. Although I would highly recommend that you do, if you haven't already.

Christopher Nolen has outdone himself. It is very rare that a movie with the hype surrounding this one prior to release lives up to expectations; rarer still when it exceeds those expectations as The Dark Knight Rises does. The only one that springs to mind recently is LOTR The Return Of The King.

Although it runs for 165 minutes, it doesn't seem that long, and each of the six times I have watched it I wanted it to keep going. I want to know what happens next.

Christopher Nolen has said this was the last installment of his version of Batman and that it was up to someone else to reinvent the caped crusader in the future. However I hope he changes his mind. The ending, although closing off this particular chapter, has left the door open for another Nolan version. I believe all the actors are open to doing more; even Christian Bale, who also said this was going to be his last.

Hopefully The Dark Knight Rises again soon.
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