Positive Youth (2012 TV Movie)
Excellent Educational Film
14 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As an HIV Educator at Youth Services BUreau working within a youth-focused context, I believe that the film Positive Youth from Border2Border entertainment tells an extremely important story. Four youth from diverse backgrounds who are either infected with or affected by HIV candidly discuss their experiences both with the virus and the stigma attached to the virus. Interspersed with these gripping first-hand stories, we hear from medical professionals and counselors who work with HIV positive people who contextualize these individual stories within the framework of larger population trends. The film provides the opportunity to connect a human face to the disease and for youth, a population with a growing incidence of new diagnoses of HIV, to contribute their experience and voices to the ongoing dialogue.

The film was balanced in providing the message that HIV is a manageable, chronic illness but that people should make choices to reduce their risks, when possible. It also did an excellent job of demonstrating the challenges of dating when living with HIV and showcased the touching and courageous stories of several couples of differing HIV statuses who chose love over fear.

I will continue to use this film in my educational work to create dialogue around HIV with youth populations, and I highly recommend the film to people who might be considering it. This story needs to be heard! Alisa McClain - Youth Services Burea of Ottawa
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