A film which will appeal to Nazisploitation/sexploitation addicts, but is a spirit-crushing ordeal for anyone else.
29 January 2013
The Nazisploitation/sexploitation genre reaches new heights of frenzied lunacy in Casa Privata Per Le SS (aka Private House Of The SS) thanks to the lead performance of Gabriele Carrara. Making his debut, Carrara gives a performance that probably sets some sort of record for unrestrained dementednessÂ… spitting out lines of awful dialogue with lip-smacking zeal and widening his eyes like a madman at every opportunity. The sex scenes are deliriously over-the-top too, resulting in a film which comes across as a sort of high camp, over-sexed, thoroughly hysterical reboot of the more serious-minded Salon Kitty. Thankfully this one spares us the graphic torture scenes that were so often a staple ingredient within the genre, although this is but a small mercy. As a film it is still absolutely terrible.

Dedicated Nazi officer Hans Schellenberg (Gabriele Carrara) is told that numerous high-ranking officers of the Wehrmacht are plotting against Hitler. To weed them out, he is instructed to recruit a bevy of beautiful whores and train them as spies. Various suspected officers are invited to a house, where these Schellenberg's whores wine them, dine them and indulge in all manner of sexual depravity in order to find out what they really think of the Fuhrer. They then report back to Schellenberg, who in turn acts as judge, jury and executioner in bringing down any conspirators that are uncovered.

In truth, the plot matters little. The film is one long excuse for a whole lot of soft-core sex, bondage and gratuitous nudity, with the story merely getting in the way of all this exploitative excess. No-one seems bothered in the slightest that the whole thing is about as erotic as a stroll through the sewers, nor that viewers would probably get more stimulation watching an advert for petfood. The '70s saw a slew of these sex 'n' torture Nazisploitation entries, and Casa Privata Per Le SS is neither better nor worse than the others. Quite who watched these films and made them successful enough keep the genre going for several years is anyone's guess. Suffice to say that genre addicts (whoever they are) will probably enjoy this, but for everyone else watching it is a thankless ordeal.
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