Review of Hanna

Hanna (2011)
Not a Very Good Thriller
6 February 2013
I went into this movie with high hopes, but unfortunately I was let down. The premise is interesting, with the young girl being raised as a Jason Bourne type super soldier and all, but its just so boring and pretentious.

I think the very bland presentation is what did it for me. This could have been a great movie with more heart, or gone the other way and been a great exploitation flick a la Battle Royale. But as it stands, just dullsville. I did not care about Hanna, her father, the dumb family she meets and certainly not Claire Danes doing her best Jodie Foster impersonation.

One scene is good however. as other reviewers have pointed out, the scene in the cargo yard is great. Very high suspense, great camera-work, and a great gimmick of the camera always tilting or panning to show you where Hanna is. And yes, in this scene you actually care a bit what happens to her, you root for her to get away from the bad guys...if the rest of the movie had been made with similar gusto, we really would have had something! But as it is, I cannot recommend this movie. A very bland missed opportunity.
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