Check your brains at the door, and enjoy the ride
14 February 2013
While 'on vacation' in Moscow to visit his son Jack (Jai Courtney), John McLaine (Bruce Willis) just happens to stumble into a CIA operation attempting to free Komarov (Sebastian Koch), as he is the only one that can lead them to an extremely valuable file. As you'd expect with McLaine around, a big mess is made out of the operation and of Moscow. And that is just the first of a relentless string of very impressive action sequences, which feature one of the greatest car chase sequences ever filmed. The plot is merely an excuse for loads of crashes and explosions, and makes very little, if any, sense. McLaine's trademark sardonic one-liners are replaced by very dry, almost British tongue-in-cheek wit, which may be inconsistent to the early Die Hard-films, but it works pretty well within the film. Fans of the franchise will not be looking for an ingenious plot, so they will not be disappointed. If you are unfamiliar with the series, please, do not forget to check you brains at the door. You will be in for one of the rides of a lifetime.
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