Kraft Suspense Theatre: The Trains of Silence (1965)
Season 2, Episode 28
Way out
5 March 2013
Slightly nutty episode of this grand old anthology series has Jeffrey Hunter as a Canadian geologist visiting the states to see an old school chum (Lloyd Bochner) with some very good news. The old school chum is a Howard Hughes-type who lives in the penthouse of a hotel he owns. The geologist is rebuffed in his attempt to see his old chum, and a secretary for the company (Tippi Hedrin) tries to help him. Seems the sinister assistant (Warren Stevens) to the recluse has taken over the boss' daily concerns, and the naive geologist soon finds his life in peril as he persists in trying to see his old chum. A strange episode, to be sure, but entertaining, especially for Hunter's lively performance.
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