The Twilight Zone: People Are Alike All Over (1960)
Season 1, Episode 25
What A Piece Of Work Is A Man!
12 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Roddy McDowall's space ship crashes on Mars. McDowall survives but his partner does not. McDowall is terrified of what he might find outside the craft but, as his partner tells him with his dying breath, "People are alike all over." When McDowall finally opens the door he finds that it's true. A dozen or more ordinary people dressed in togas are standing around and staring at him. McDowall finds that he can speak their language. "It's what you might call hypnosis." (Hmmm.) And, without being particularly expressive about it, they seem friendly enough. "We've been waiting for one of your kind to come here." Among the amiable crowd is the luscious, platinum-haired, glossy Susan Oliver, who appears to take a shine to him. She wears a kind of off-the-shoulder toga. McDowall relaxes by increments but he must still be a bit wary since he shows no interest in finding out if Susan Oliver is alike all over -- and him a biologist.

The guide him to a house they've prepared for him, hoping that he finds the earth-style house comfortable and familiar. He does. The scotch is great and the house has everything he needs. A good thing too, because, after his hosts leave, he finds there are no windows and all the doors are locked. The wide living-room wall slowly parts and reveals iron bars. All the Martians stand around outside, staring at him. And McDowall finds a sign near the bars: "Earth Creature In Its Natural Habitat." From this experience, McDowall concludes that his departed partner was right after all. People are alike all over. Except that his partner was probably wrong. If a Martian landed on earth, the first thing we'd do is kill him.
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