The Master (2012)
The secret is within the film
19 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams, and so eagerly rented this movie with very high expectations.

For background: I don't need a tightly scripted film, or one that leads you by the hand, or necessarily has some point to make, but this meandered, repeated itself, and wallowed in self-indulgent sludge.

The acting is impeccable, but given the cast it couldn't be anything but, and because of that I did sit through it in its entirety.

It struck me as a fantastic wasted opportunity. The connections between the actors were strong, and the relationships believable, but the script.....

The secret is within the film? Well, at one point Joaquin asks someone what they think of the Masters latest book, and the chap says that the whole thing could have been condensed down into a 3 page pamphlet. Unfortunately, this (for me) describes this film. Imagine a 3 minute script blown up into a 2+ hour movie that almost solely relies on great acting to carry it and you pretty much have this film.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's not worth watching, and if you were in a very thoughtful introspective mood it may have some resonance in parts, but boy, will you have a long wait in between those moments.
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