Justice League (2001– )
Yeah it's pretty good if you accept it's a cartoon
10 July 2013
Do I enjoy this show? Yes. It is the first cartoon like it that I have watched (in that it has many super heroes), so I can't compare it to something like Super Friends. However, when I started watching the show, perhaps I had the wrong expectation. After all, it is a kids show and a cartoon. I had grown somewhat used to the blockbuster movies such as Iron Man, Dark Knight, etc, that gave superheroes SOME level of consistency. To me, that is really the only thing that a superhero really needs: consistency.

In this show, consistency is regularly thrown out of the window. The formula seems to be this...yes they are all super heroes, yes they all have super powers, but the second that becomes inconvenient for the plot they become weak. Almost every story pretty much revolves around...wow they got really beat down, how will they win!?...and resolves in...oh, exactly what they have been doing, but somehow their punches and strategy just figured things out this time around. That makes the show frustrating for me. Too often was I like, oh come on Superman (based on previous episodes) should easily be able to handle this..but he doesn't. Then at the end, he does without any explanation except you can assume he tried harder or something.

Another irritating point is the fact that not all the super heroes are in every episode. I understand for plot development, there has to be more of a focus on some of them each episode, but the episodes where others just don't show up are annoying. This isn't SNL, this isn't a huge collaboration of people showing up for a live show.... were the animators that drew that cartoon sick that day? Were the voice actors not available to record so they left them out? There were too many times where I thought...man, you know who would be perfect for this situation? Green Lantern or Superman. Where are they? Who knows. End of the world scenario all the time, but they seem to be off taking a nap.

All in all it's a good cartoon, but it is still a cartoon. It is very formulaic, and can get annoying in that respect. If you ever think about it logically, you'll get annoyed. Of course suspension of disbelief is necessary, but that suspension gets tough for me when these fictional super heroes are inconsistent with their own powers in the same episode or over many episodes. I would still recommend it to people, but only if it's casually on TV.
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