Thriller: The Terror in Teakwood (1961)
Season 1, Episode 33
You know your insane don't you
16 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Sick and tired of living in the shadows or being second fiddle to the world renowned pianist Johann Carnowitz the by now deranged Vladimir Vicek, Guy Rolfe, decided to pay the deceased Ivory tickler a visit at the local cemetery. Not to to pay homage to his life and works but together with his grave digging associate Gafke, Reggie Nadler, steal the very instruments that made the late Johann Carnowitz world famous: His unusual large and sensitive pair of hands!

It's later at the city's concert hall that Vicek was to preform the Carnowitz seventh piano concerto that only he, with his unusual pair of hands, was able to play and no one else was able to imitated. With everyone expecting a total meltdown by the hyperventilating and sweaty Vicek he in fact did the impossible! Vicek played with fantastic finger movement the Carnowitz seventh piano concerto as good or even better then Carnowitz ever played it! Of course it wasn't exactly Vladimir Vicek who was playing the piano it was Caronwitz's hand attached to his own, like a pair of gloves, that did the job for him.

****SPOILERS**** As it soon turned out Vicek's basking in the fame or hands that he stole from the master piano player Johann Carnowitz didn't last that long. First he was confronted by the enraged grave digger Gafke, whom he murdered, who wanted to get paid for his work in digging up Caronwitz's grave and amputating his hands that Vicek used in his electrifying performance. Then it was the by now totally inane Vicek himself completely freaking out and ordering the hands to murder his wife Leonie, Hazel Court, who was having an affair with his valet and personal gofer Jerry Welch, Charles Aidman. What in turn happened is that the hands somehow, even though they didn't have any brains in them, figured out that Vicek was nuts as well not in their best interest and together they both did a number on him instead!
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