Review of Pornopung

Pornopung (2013)
A slick offender able to provoke very few
19 July 2013
It's been 10 years since Mads Larsen's bestseller "Pornopung" came out in 2003, provoking a debate on how men had become the weakest sex, about a young guy going to live in a flat in Oslo in the late nineties, With free spirited sex and partying.

I read the novel back then, and fell off two thirds into it. I'm afraid the film is quite Equal in that way, though this film is merely based upon the book, and only Central plot is still remaining. Of course, the novel of Mads Larsen was self biographic into a certain extent, this film is even further off the real stuff.

When that is said, I think director Johan Kaos Nåden Dyrstad, which is his full name, has nailed a watchable film, when even impressively has made it an age 15 film, allowing children over 11 to watch with their parents, even though there's plenty of penises and breasts to see in the film. This of course, will be very important for the market of the film.

Except for the language, I don't think anyone will be very offended by seeing this, if Your not quite uptight, then. The same will be shown in both TV-series and other films. Those who thought this would be a med "Kids" has been wrong. There's too much charm going on here to provoke others than puritans.

The main character, Chrisian is played by Ole Christoffer Ertvaag (last seen as the boy Yngve falls in love with in "Mannen som elsket Yngve") is leaving his hometown of Stavanger, to go study in Oslo. He has been welcomed at a flat where two more experienced youngsters keep their parties and orgies. Karl has a plan to beat Marqius de Sade in number of flings, and love the thought of being a teacher for Christian, on how to pick up Girls and get a score.

The roles are well played, and this film is by no means as embarrassing to watch as one could fear. Some parts of it is funny, and the story has got a lot of drive until it punctures with seriousness. What could have made the film more interesting, somehow makes us care less. I really don't know why, but it had that effect on me.

The story is Oslo today, and not late nineties, which would have made it a bit more interesting and could have given the use of a great soundtrack of which most would remember. Put nowadays it's lost the musical interest, though the hard pounding Music at parties are quite well fitted. Production vales are good, and locations are perfect.

Going 10-15 years back would have demanded a bigger budget, but they got quite a good portion out of this. The film almost had problems with one Third of the funding, and could have gone bankrupt, but after showing some scenes they managed the sponsors to open the wallets for more cash-flow. It most certainly will manage to get their Money back with the kind of attention the film has gotten the latter days.

However, if you awaits to be provoked, forget it. This film has no harder punch than an average American high school comedy, though slightly better in a realistic way. Oh, yes, it's both slick, nasty, cheeky and disgusting, but not so much that the target audience will rise any eyebrows. Still not the film you invite Your grandmother to see.

Writer Mads Larsen, which also is a journalist, has tried to find New ways of provoking, like he did with this novel back in 2003, but hasn't managed that, even though his titles are suited to do so. Last book came back in 2008. Just as well, I guess.
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