Small Town Security (2012–2014)
Have been a fan since the first episode..
3 August 2013
I was hooked from the very first episode!.....Not only is STS a fresh and very funny show, it's for real! These folks have put their lives out for all of us to become a part of each week. The share the most intimate secrets of their lives with us and for that alone I give them a lot of credit. Watching a "Reality Show" is one thing but sometimes you get the feeling that what you are watching is staged. Never during any of the episodes of STS do you get the feeling that these folks are putting on a show for all of us to watch....this is their lives and this is the real deal. The make you feel as if you are part of their family and bring you right into that crazy office that has more heart in it than most folks have in their own families...and after enjoying this show for two seasons now....I cannot wait to see what's in store for STS in season three!!!
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