Rodrick Sucks. Thats all I have to say.
18 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you thought The First Wimpy Kid was bad. This one is even worse. In fact, one of the worst films of all time. Yeah I know I say that a lot but I always mean it. Always.

The film starts out with something no one really cares to examine or analyze and we are left in the dust to figure out what is going on. In fact, Ill just tell you the plot. We have Greg played again by Gorden who is still good in this role. This time his brother is a total idiot and they get in the fight and the whiny mom won't shut the **** up and they get grounded or something like that and they must learn how to respect each other.

This movie breaks the laws of physics in one scene and rips off a whole lot of stuff in other scenes like from The Hangover and what not.

This has to be the bottom of the barrel for Mr. Steve Zahn as he plays the dad once again. But this time, he over reacts so much that it feels like he is insane. In fact, I think he is insane, in real life and in this movie. I don't think I would like to meet him. Ever.

The acting is so horrendous that I feel sorry for all the kid actors who returned in this movie even the Indian kid who was made fun of severely in one scene being called Invisible. This "Invisible" gag went too far and teaches kids racism.

Also, There are plenty of more awful morals and bullying in this movie. It never seems to end.

What seems like an eternity is at least a 90 minute torture machine to see if you can shoot yourself before the movie is even over. David Bowers is a horrible director and- well maybe not horrible I am sure there is stuff that he has made or will make in the future that will be good but his direction is so horrible that I don't think he was even trying.

Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is a horrific event in the history of cinema. If your kids make you try to rent this movie, lock them in a room and tie them to a chair and put on Driller Killer and leave them in the room until the movie is over. Although Driller Killer is pure bad its more entertaining then Rodrick Sucks because it is more rewarding than this will ever be.

I would rather eat a Tarantula then watch this again.

10/100 D-
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