Chess-Nuts (1932)
Who would have thought Chess would have been THIS sexy?!
19 August 2013
"Chess-Nuts" begins with a very unusual combination of live action, stop-motion and traditional animation! Two old men are shown playing chess…or least sitting there at a chess board. Suddenly, the pieces have animated characters (including Bimbo and Betty Boop) pop their heads out and look about. Then, using stop-motion, the pieces dance about for a few seconds. Then the cartoon begins. It seems that Bimbo (one of the white pieces) is making eyes at the black queen (Betty). However, the black king is jealous and most of the rest of the cartoon consists of the two fighting over sweet Betty.

During the course of this Pre-Code cartoon, there are LOTS of reminders that the toughened Production Code was not yet in place, as there are LOTS of sexual innuendos—even for a Pre-Code Betty Boop cartoon. You see her dress fly up repeatedly and even a brief scene where a small animal is staring up Betty's dress! Had the film been made two years later, there is no way the cartoon would have been approved to be shown to audiences in the US. Because of this, her character was changed—with a longer dress, less curves and no underwear shots. As far as the cartoon itself goes, it's highly creative and deserves high marks for being very different. Plus, as usual, the Fleischer Brothers animation quality is fantastic. But, the cartoon also lacks laughs and because of this, though unusual, is only about average in quality.
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