Chix Chat on Film review: Supernatural adventure never mundane
22 August 2013
The Mortal Instruments City of Bones was adapted from a novel like many of the contemporary fantasy films of late. Fortunately, this one was a good choice to bring to the big screen because it gives the audience a well-developed story with likable lead characters. Clary Fray (Lily Collins) is a typical teenager at first glance, and although she is special the basis of her uniqueness is unbeknownst to her. As seen in the trailer, she witnesses what seems to be a murder in the midst of a crowded club however no one except her has seen it happen. This incident sets up the adventure which begins with Clary meeting Jace (Jamie Campbell Bower) a Shadowfighter, which is basically someone who battles demons. The strides made in technology make it possible to craft a film like this where a huge part of the experience is based on the special effects. There were a number of things that I likened to films that preceded this one like the portal (Stargate), the floating lady (Ghostbusters), the beam (LOTR) and there were a number of other images that reminded me of other films but I dare not give away too much for fear of spoiling it for others like myself who are new to this world hidden from Mundanes. Don't get me wrong even though there was some borrowing in the special effects category the film looked great, with cool scenes like the reveal of the Institute. Aside from the look of the film it maintained an ominous feel which added to the character of this movie. The only CGI creations that I somewhat considered as comic relief were the bird-smoke-burnt charcoal demons. This tale dealt with all manner of supernatural beings and had an interesting take on zombies. I suppose it makes sense given that from what I know or have seen regarding zombies they are generally man-made. I have not read the books and still have mixed feelings about doing so prior to viewing an adapted film, so I don't know how true to the book this film was but it completely pulled me in. I was invested in what would happen to Clary and I found the friendship between her and Simon (Robert Sheehan) to be endearing. Although the soundtrack on top of the romantic scenes with Clary and Jace was a bit much, it was still quite sweet. The story was fast paced and interesting and thoroughly held my attention throughout. The film was entertaining and had the desired effect that any film should have, when it ended I was left wanting more. I give it a green light.
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