Foster (2011)
Great Movie
25 August 2013
Stop calling the young man "Spooky" or "The Creepiest movie child ever". COME ON!!! Give the guy a brake. How dare you people. You should be ashamed of your self. Cant believe you people don't have anything better to do with your time. Putting down a child. Is it because the word "ANGEL" was in the title. WHAT A BUNCH OF JERKS. Get over it. If you don't like the movie just say so. Maurice Cole was remarkable. Good job little man.

As for the movie it self. Its a good family movie. Little things in the movie maybe stood out of place. But come on, how many action movies do we watch where Bruce willis or Will smith should have died a hundred times or more and everyone is like what a great flick. So real.

This was a great family movie and gives good people hope.
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