Review of The Wire

The Wire (2002–2008)
...while you're waiting for moments that never come.
26 August 2013
I find it surprising to see everyone likes this show so much. Sure, the cast, direction, camera and writing are outstanding; definitely some of the best on TV, but I found the story to be lacking the entertainment value. I found the praised realism of the show to be too... real, to really be enjoyable. For a person who was in the army or police or had dealings with other uniformed organizations, the show just reaffirms what they already know. State organizations are indeed mostly governed by people doing each other favors, protecting their asses and doing as little of what is required as possible, while appearing to be doing their job. To a person who has little contact with uniformed organizations, the workings of the police department portrayed in The Wire seem realistic but unbelievable. While the acquainted person probably yearns to see another way to do things, the unacquainted hopes for the despicable vision to be finally dispelled. Not only does this not happen, but the last season shows that even people with the best intentions get corrupted and broken and the only way to manage to do something right is to lie and cheat while at it.

I resented the show for giving me no closure, no satisfaction of seeing at least some improvement to the world resulting from pained efforts of the positive characters.

"A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the sh*t that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come." - Lester Freamon. That quote summarizes the show for me. Those moments I was waiting for never came. Moments where I would think things could be different than I expect, moments where I would learn something new.

I can recommend The Wire to people who want to get insight into how governmental organizations work. When having a beer with friends, if people ask me how it is in the Police or the Army, instead of explaining, I can tell them: "see The Wire, it shows that perfectly".
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