Most important movie on what is happening in America. Period!
27 August 2013
Children are always the first targets of anybody trying to bring down a system. Lenin founder of Soviet Union said "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." John Dewey, atheist - idolized in public education went to Russia 1928 to study Marxism, did everything in his power to dumb down children believing education should socialize the child to become willing tool of STATE, brought German intellectuals in 1933 dropped at Princeton, Brandeis, Berkley to go after education and media – promote homosexuality to children, excessive drinking, and destruction of religion (THAT WAS A BIG ONE) Groups of intellectuals plotting and planning to make America so corrupt it stinks.

Today Hard LEFT has control of teachers unions and teachers colleges and dictates ALL educational policy. The bomb throwing, cop killing America hating, God-hating radicals of the 60's are now tenured professors – writing text books – teaching teachers. Self-perpetuating. Discovered they could remake America by going into the schools then throwing bombs!

Those that take exception to this are the very ones who as Bertrand Russell bragged could be made to believe that snow is black. There is nothing that is happening in America that can not be understood by examining the 100 year effort to destroy us from within detaching us from any moral anchors whatsoever! Agenda: Grinding America Down is an epic presentation of the facts that make this case.

Its not for nothing that Karl Marx tied destroying capitalism to removing God. And that butcher Stalin knew "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."

Agenda: Grinding America Down needs to be seen by every decent, moral and ethical person in this country. Especially parents and grandparents. I would urge them to watch it along with their children and/or school-age grandchildren and discuss afterward. This movie is an excellent teaching tool. Eyeopener. I urge "home-schoolers" also to watch and share this movie with everyone in your sphere of influence.

Unlike so many productions there is no foul language, there is no sex, no nudity and the violence is historical images of the aftermath of Communism which is identified as the greatest killing machine of all time given more people died under Communist regimes in the 20th century then all the wars combined!

I am passionate about this movie because I was one of the "useful idiots" Lenin spoke of in the 60's and 70's. I had no idea till I saw this movie how I had been cynically manipulated along with my whole generation by a bunch of intellectuals whose goal was not "peace and love" but destruction of America. Specifically "Make love not war" came from Herbert Marcussa of the Frankfurt School. Changing the entire world view of Americans by what they call "Political Correctness" is actually Cultural Marxism first step toward Traditional Marxism. Willi Munzenberg Founder of Frankfurt School (outpost of European socialism) bragged of plan to stand American educational system on its head: make America so corrupt it stinks: started social rot. I also learned that the darling of the left Saul Alinksy dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer - Satan. Very powerful movie and it backs up everything it presents. It will no doubt challenge the world view of those who have never been exposed to these facts. It did me at first. Then I got angry at those who have benefited from this country's freedoms and use our tolerance of the intolerant to try to destroy us from within!
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