Breaking Bad: To'hajiilee (2013)
Season 5, Episode 13
"To'hajiilee" is the "dead freight" of the Second half of season 5
9 September 2013
The fact that right now this episode has a 9.8 and many reviews with a 10 rating shows that how great and gut wrenching this episode exactly was.I don't think I can say anything that has not been said by other viewers. breaking bad is the opposite of everything that is wrong with TV right now. Acting, cinematography, music, directing and writing seems to work together beautifully and as it gets further the become more harmonic. this the last episode of the show which has been written by "George mastras".After Vince Giligan he is my favorite writer on this show.true,many ideas of the show is from Vince and the whole writing team but you got to admire that every episode which is written by "George mastras" is a work of art.His episodes are thrilling, gut-wrenching, shocking and funny in an unusual way. "dead fright", "crawl space","Crazy Handful of Nothing'" are just a few of them.All of them are between the show's best episodes and "To'hajiilee" … honestly I don't know what to say.i was excited, shocked and so angry cause why they ended it right there !
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