Not what I expected at all
18 September 2013
WOW. I can not believe that at the time I am writing this, the current review is 7.3 from 16 people. I think the 16 people who gave these high reviews must be affiliated with the movie in some way or maybe they rated it high as they too are from Grand Rapids, Mi and want to support a locally produced movie.

I just returned home from the theater where I watched this movie because it was the only thing playing at the time I was there. I have a very open mind and I like all types of movies (even the not so good "B" movies, but this one was just plain not-good. There were 6 of us in the audience and at the end of this movie, I could tell from other people's reactions that their feelings were mutual - the movie was horrible.

I really hate to give a local film a bad review, not to mention that some of the actors / actresses were beautiful people; However, that doesn't cover up bad acting, poor quality movie, and bad story line.

I sat through the entire thing waiting and hoping for something to improve, but the dull story just droned on. When the credits started rolling, I thought to myself, "you have got to be kidding me? That's it?" I looked around the empty theater and realized that all 6 of us (who were not with me, felt the same way). We were all left wondering WTF.

I rushed home to see what kind of rating this movie got, thinking surely it was low - maybe a 2 or 3 but surprised (horrified) to see a 7.3. I wanted to give this movie a "1" as awful, but feeling generous, I give it 3 stars for "Effort". I't better than anything I could produce (well maybe), but that's why I'm not a movie director either.

When the movie was over, I went to go find the manager so i could ask if he had seen the movie. I refused to believe that management would watch such a bad film and then let it run. The Assistant Mgr told me no - that he had not yet seen the film and that explained a lot. I suggested that he see it, and left the theater with 2 free passes. The free passes or refund was not my intention in speaking with the Manager, but the movie did suck, so I accepted his offer and thought I'd come see what others had said about the movie here on IMDb (which is probably something I should have done prior - which is what I usually do when I plan to see a film but this one caught me by surprise).

If you like bad films, bad acting and low budget movies, check it out, perhaps you'll like it - I didn't.

If anyone reading this had anything to do with the film such as acting or any part of the film, I would simply like to say - I don't mean this bad review as any personal attack on any of you, I think you did the best with what you had to work with. I wish you better success on your next one - everyone has to start somewhere.
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