Hilarious farce, excellent movie
21 September 2013
You can get plot summaries from other reviews. The movie was made during the "mod" era of fashion and when fear of nuclear bombs was very high. IMHO The idea of the film is that humankind is trying too hard to progress and we going too fast for our own good. We are still too primitive and error-prone to handle big advances in technology like nuclear power. This idea of pushing too hard is reflected in the extreme costumes of the cast. The idea of human primitiveness is reflected in the near nakedness of the highly trained air force pilots and the poor shepherd family in the hut. IMHO, some reviewers harp on a supposed gay theme that is not really there. The young men in the movie lust after Candice Bergen. There are several scenes of heterosexual sex in the movie and none otherwise. The word "f*gg*t" is used once when a pilot mistakes a conversation. The military men's costumes are an extreme and hilarious version of mod fashion during that period.

Those that have heard her before can tell that Candice Bergen character's voice is definitely Bergen's in some scenes but in others it may have been dubbed. In any case she is 21 and gorgeous in this film.

For me anyway, this was a comedy of human errors, of miscommunication, and of mistaken identities that was very well done. Well worth a watch.
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