Star Trek: Voyager: The Killing Game, Part II (1998)
Season 4, Episode 19
Voyager's Crew as French Maquis Resistance
6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
With the Holodeck Safeties OFF, a Huge Artillery Shell blows a real hole across several decks of the ship.

Holo Characters start filing in, into all areas of the ship where there are Holo Emitters.

But Captain Chakotay, Lt. Paris, and the French Resistance Fighters Torres and Tuvok think they have blown open a huge secret Nazi bunker. As they are all still under the influence of the Hirogen Brainwash Devices, they are still acting out this fantasy.

Janeway uses Captain Chakotay to help Infiltrate this bunker and blow up the the main Brainwashing Device in Sickbay. Chakotay would have just used a few more artillery shells on it and blown a 5-Deck Hole in Voyager's Side, but Janeway shows them another way of dealing with "The Bunker".

Meanwhile Neelix in Klingon Form has to lead Klingon Warriors to Victory against a rival house, Probably in the Kletha Lowlands. Janeway makes a side-trip to their Holodeck with Chakotay and Neelix makes Chakotay drink Bloodwine.

Inside the WW-II 'Deck, Tuvok and Torres still in character and Seven are fighting off Krauts and fully armored Hirogen, and they don't see this as out of place. But when the Sick-Bay Bomb goes off, their memories come flooding back.

Janeway makes an accord with the Alpha Hirogen, but the Nazi Commander J Paul Boehmer is able to convince the Beta Hirogen that PREY need be Hunted and Killed, so he kills the Alpha with a Holodeck Rifle and makes Janeway RUN AWAY.

But Janeway finds a place on the deck where the Holo Emitters are damaged, and tricks the Beta into crossing the line where the Emitter is not working, his Rifle starts to vanish, Janeway is able to steal the Rifle and uses it to shoot him.

At the same time, Neelix has convinced all of the Holo Klingons that there is a better war to be fought on the other Holodeck, they attack the HoloNazis just before they try to assassinate Chakotay/Tuvok/Seven and Paris.

J Paul Boehmer has such a great look on his face while being gutted With a Bat'Tehl.

The Delta Hirogen cunningly agrees to accept the Holodeck Tech as a Trophy, and gives Janeway an honorable nod of respect, which she returns. This is probably my favorite part of Part II, but as Janeway finds out later, it was a mistake. Suffice it to say, that it got her out of THIS Jam.

We'll deal with giving away Starfleet Tech to the Hirogen at a later date.

This episode plays out better if watching both parts back to back as one episode, it works better that way, instead of treating each episode as separate. It's the whole conundrum and solution that makes it. Too bad for the Alpha, he was a good Hirogen.
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