Alice in Wonderland Done Right
17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of my favorite films. Laugh out loud funny---and disturbing at the same time. That is a hard combination to pull off. The secret are the two lead actors who play the title roles. They are so funny and so talented and they play off each other so well that if this was a slice of life film where nothing much happens it would still be worth watching. But this is not slice of life. This is a carefully constructed mystery which questions the nature of reality and personality and memory. And it stands the test of time. I first saw it in the mid 1970s. I watched it again last night. It was great both times and every time in between.

I am surprised that there are so few reviews for this movie considering the fact that so many directors have copied it. Case in point, Mulholland Drive which has over a 1000 reviews. How can an "homage to" movie get so many more reviews than the source material? Especially when the source material is so good!
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