Review of Cyborg

Cyborg (1989)
Watch it for the knife-fights, not for the cyborg
22 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is a lot of knife sharpening in Cyborg. It's about a post- apocalyptic world in which the lowly knife has become the weapon of choice. There are a few guns, but I guess everyone ran out of ammo. And that makes Cyborg a pure fantasy because the knife will never be more than a secondary weapon no matter how far we slip as a civilization. Spears, swords, axes, hammers, and bows will all take precedence. Not to mention armor. Those aforementioned weapons do make a few appearances in this movie, but the characters all seem to prefer knives for some reason. Why? Because it makes for some awesome fight scenes.

They really are great. Whoever choreographed the action in Cyborg knew what they were doing. It's rare in an action movie, but you can follow a scene and conclude that, "Yeah, one man really could beat several bad guys like that." Cyborg has several one-vs-many martial arts sequences that are cohesive and make sense. Those intense few scenes set Cyborg apart and make it worth watching.

And do you really want any more in a movie than some of the best knife- fight scenes ever made? Hopefully not, that's all Cyborg has. The script was clearly gutted from its original because the cyborg in Cyborg is treated as an afterthought. It's a woman that decided to have herself "enhanced" with mechanical parts in order to carry information about a plague back to the last scientists who can cure it. Why do you need to be turned into a cyborg to carry info about a disease? I'd love to know. Anyways, for all the back-story on the cyborg, she doesn't do anything for the entire movie. She just sits by while good guys and bad guys have awesome fights all around her. They are fighting over possession of her, yet she does nothing. You'd hope that as a cyborg, she might have some cyborg abilities that help in a fight. And you'd expect that in an action movie named "Cyborg," the one cyborg would participate in the action.

It's no wonder that many people are disappointed with Cyborg. But this low-budget, post-apocalyptic fantasy has some intense martial arts scenes that are both smart and entertaining. Watch it for the knife- fights and you won't be disappointed.
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