Read him his rights
30 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** San Francisco psychiatrist Dr. Norman Jessup, Williams Smithers, comes up with this far out plan to knock off his annoying and alcoholic wife Eleanor, Sharon Acker,by brainwashing one of his mentally disturbed clients to do it. The person that Dr. Jessup grooms or brainwashes to do the job for him is rehabilitated sex offender, who served three years behind bars, Charlie Blake played by a wide eyed and lobotomized looking Dean Stockwell. To make sure that Charlie is fit or right for the job of murdering his wife Dr. Jessup starts him on a dry run by programing him , through hypnosis, to murder a total stranger the unlucky Joan Warren, Dee Wallace, at the start of this "Streets of San Francisco" episode.It's later that Dr.Jessup sets the stage of murdering his drunken and abusive, she found out he's having a affair with another woman, wife by himself murdering her and having all the evidence of Eleanor's murder lead right to Charlie Blake!

It's by having Charlie Blake deprogrammed and having him repeat his confession to Eleanor's murder that broke the case wide open. It fooled Eleanor's murderous husband Dr. Jessup into thinking that he had the law on his side when Inspector Keller,Michael Douglas, and his partner Let. Det. Mike Stone, Karl Malden,illegally broke into his office and uses his tapes with Charlie to implicate him in both Eleanor as well as Joan Warren's murders. As it turned out by trying to use the law to save his neck he in fact admitted his guilt when it was his own patient, Charlie Blake, who words, on tape, that convicted him.

P.S As we saw the plan by Dr. Jessup was almost picture perfect. He gets poor brainwashed Charlie to be at the right place at the right time, the murder scene, to get himself arrested by the SFPD. Charlie also passes a lie detector test in admitting that he's both Eleanor as well as Joan Warren's murderer. It's , when Charlie's incriminating statement don't quite seem to add up, in him being in two places at the same time, that hot shot SFPD inspector Steve Keller, smells a rat in his bazaar confession. And that rat is non other then Charlie's personal psychiatrist Dr. Norman Jessup!
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