Contracted (2013)
Waste of time
4 January 2014

I read a promising review which inspired me to seek out this film.

I was disappointed with the script, the acting, make up and directing. The cinematography was the only redeeming quality.

The lead character Samantha was a self centred bitch who I actually hoped would die in the first five minutes. So to sit through an 84 minute movie, witnessing her narcissistic whining was excruciating. Her Mother, (played by an always welcome to see Caroline Williams) cared for her well being, as well as various friends, workmates and her Doctor, but at no time did she ever listen to any of them, instead pining for her irritating, uninterested girlfriend.

It seems the film makers aspired to make a gross out, body horror flick, which plays on the dangers of unsafe sex, but all they really ended up with was a monotonous mess which I am sorry I ever read the review on.
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