The Return (1980)
A lovely little UFO and SiFi flick, just don't expect too much from it.
9 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Many years ago during the early 80s, my dad hired this movie from a local video store. All I remembered about this film was a little girl and boy encountering a UFO flying above there heads encasing them in a strange light. But oddly enough, that was all I could remember of it.

It wasn't until five years ago that I heard about this film and was wondering if this was the same movie that I saw years before in the 80s. It turned out that it was and wanted to see it again.

I've recently managed to get hold of a copy and I'm glad I did. Because although special effects wise it's not brilliant. But it does have a good story which is why I gave it a 4 out of 10 rating. If I was basing this movie just on special effects alone, I would have given it a 2 out of 10.

The basic story centres on two young children who as I said earlier encounter a UFO. But 25 years later the girl played by Cybill Shepherd who is a scientist comes to a small town doing some research and meets up with a deputy sheriff of the town played by Jan-Michael Vincent. But later on discover that they have a lot more in common than they realised.

In truth when Cybill's character Jennifer discovers that this was the same town where she had her encounter, she then tells Jan-Michael Vincent's character Wayne about her encounter and that nobody would believe her. Wayne then says that no one believed him either and she then realises that he was the little boy she met that night.

I did feel that the story got ruined when it introduced cattle mutilations, then later on human murders and mutilations as this made the movie extremely far fetched. The writers should have stuck to the original idea of Jennifer and Wayne trying to solve the puzzle of there UFO encounter.

So for a movie in general, don't expect too much. With it being made during the early 80s it is very dated and doesn't hold up to the test of time. Where special effects is concerned, I give it a thumbs down. (I suspect that was due to the budget constraints they had while making it, it's not a Close Encounters of the Third Kind or Star Wars Clone)

But where the story is concerned, It's OK. I would have given it a thumbs up if it wasn't for the introduction of cattle mutilations and human murders and mutilations.

I must say that I admire Wayne's literature in this film, because just like him I also have a strong interest in the paranormal and UFOs, I've been studying this subject ever since I was a little kid and I still do to this day.
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