Foyle's War: Sunflower (2013)
Season 7, Episode 3
This ISN'T Foyle's War
23 January 2014
I agree with so much of the above.

Foyle's War is off its game. There's a real sense to me of Michael Kitchen just going through the motions.

I had wanted to love this new series of the show and was willing to give it time to find its Cold War feet, but this ISN'T Foyle's War.

Even allowing for character development our beloved Honeysuckle now seems to be playing someone else completely - none of the jolly old Sam - just an austere sadness.

"Sunflower" was also practically incoherent and I just can't imagine the original Sam stooping so low as to produce the transcript of a tapped phone conversation for her Labor MP husband. Felt like his response "It's unthinkable" was more a commentary on today than the immediate post war period. If that's the case it's not very subtle Mr Horowitz.

And just to be really picky, but as a WW2 history buff - why not?. In the Normandy Nazi war crime scene, the American artillery officer is seen wearing his dress uniform - what he'd be wearing on leave in London - not in combat attire ala helmet etc with subtle reference to his rank. That seemed weird to me. A bit like the new Foyle's War in general.
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