Meet the Family (2013– )
24 January 2014
This show has a lot of really funny moments that made me laugh out loud but others do not find this sense of funny to be funny at all. There are some parts where it is kind of boring and by that I mean there are parts where they are talking and then it drags on with nothing really happening and nobody doing anything other than talk.

But when it gets to the funny parts they can be very funny. One of the episodes had the boy friend put on the tightest little pair of shorts ever and then get in the hot tub with dad like within a minute of getting into the house. Right away after that dad is rubbing his back and chest and then gets him to do exercises where they shake their butts in front of the camera. Why on earth any guy would put on tiny little girl size shorts and then let dad rub there chest and do butt exercises I do not know :) If you like watching guys have pranks done on them you will love this show I have seen every episode and I love pranks and the guys get it very good. If it makes you squirm to watch guys freak out and get pranked then you won't like this show.

For example the one I already talked about at the end of the show the guy turns around and sees an old lady dead body back from drowning in the ocean and he totally freaks. Some people think that is funny but some people don't it just depends which kind of people you are for if you will like this show or not!
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