Review of Bitten

Bitten (2014–2016)
Bored out of my mind
6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching the first episode. And it was really boring. Storyline is so generic and unoriginal as can be. The hero who just cannot accept what they are, has been done to death. Making the hero a female does not change that. And yes I do know it has been adapted from a series of books. Just like so many other Twilight wannabe films or series the last few years. Everyone is looking for the next Hunger Games or Twilight instead of just making a good story. Special effects are terrible, the wolves look so wooden not getting the decent effect like the have in Teen Wolf. Acting lame to bad, nobody seems to be interested in their character everyone knows where this is going and they just seem to do it on autopilot. Don't get me wrong I love supernatural shows like Supernatural, Vampire Dairies and Teen Wolf even. But this one's just not doing it for me. I will probably watch a few more episodes. Just to see if it gets any better but so far I am not impressed.
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