Review of Lost Song

Lost Song (2008)
Lost Song
16 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie difficult to get into at first, but I was caught up in Elisabeth's melancholy. With little being said in the form of dialogue, she was able to portray the post-partum depression in a very real and believable way. I have struggled with depression myself and Leblanc was completely believable. I thought the friendship with Naomi could have been explored a little more. I think she was a lot more than a smoking buddy to Elisabeth. Are we supposed to end up not liking the husband? He seemed selfish and a little clueless to Elisabeth's plight.I would have liked a more understandable ending as well. To me, it kind of left things up in the air. If she wanted out, if she wanted to kill herself, why take the baby with her? Why not leave him with his father? I didn't really get that. Did the baby really die, or are we led to believe he did, but do not really know? Having said that, I really did enjoy watching this film. I could not stop watching made me late for work because I had to see how it ended.
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