Review of Junoon

Junoon (1992)
A Film Thas Was Inspired From The Cult Horror Film: An American Werewolf In London (1981).
11 February 2014
Instead of a man turning into a wolf, he turns into a tiger instead. This film is directed by veteran director Mahesh Bhatt who has directed some decent films over the years like: Arth (1982), Saaransh (1984), Awaargi (1990), Jurm (1990), Aashiqui (1990), The Gentleman (1994) and many more.

I think this is his only horror film he made in his career.

Plot: Junoon tells the story of Vikram (Rahul Roy), who is nearly killed by a cursed tiger when he and his friend go for a hunting spree in the jungle. His friend is killed on the spot by the tiger, but Vikram manages to shoot the beast. Still, the tiger wounds Vikram badly before it dies.

Later on in the hospital, Vikram's hopes of survival are minimal. But the spirit of the tiger gets into Vikram. Vikram is treated by Dr. Nita (Pooja Bhatt) and he begins to like her. As the days go by, Vikram realizes that there is an evil present in him. His dead friend's spirit tells him about the cursed tiger and that he himself will become the same beast on the upcoming full moon and every full moon thereafter. His friend also tells Vikram to kill himself, but Vikram refuses saying that he will accept whatever his future has in store for him.

Vikram's liking for Dr. Nita turns into an obsession (Junoon) after he comes to know that she is in love with an up-and-coming singer, Ravi (Avinash Wadhawan). The evil in Vikram comes forward and he plots to separate Nita and Ravi. Then he consoles and convinces Nita's father to allow him to marry Nita. The night of their marriage is the night of the full moon, and that night Vikram transforms into a tiger in the hotel and kills an unknown woman. The following nights, Vikram's hunting spree continues as he kills more people after transforming into a tiger.

His wife Nita finds something fishy going on as every night Vikram leaves the house on some pretext or another. That is why one night she manages to keep him at home. Vikram transforms into a tiger in front of her and tries to kill her, but she manages to escape because of Ravi, a villager from the jungle where the beast came from and a policeman who has doubts about Vikram's strange behavior. But both the villager and the policeman are killed trying to save Nita.

A priest (Tom Alter) informs Ravi and Nita that there is a dagger in a specific cave which can actually kill Vikram because trying to kill him in any other way would mean taking the curse upon oneself. Ravi and Nita go in search of the dagger and are successful in finding the dagger. But before Ravi and Nita can get out of the cave, Vikram shows up and demands the dagger for himself. That is when a fight ensues and after a long battle with Vikram in the cave, they manage to slay him and end the curse.

Verdict: I did not find this film suspenseful enough. The effects in the film sometimes let it down. The script also was below par and this is the reason it fails in many aspects, even though it has a good cast of actors.

Better Horror Films: Tahkhana, Bandh Darwaza, Purana Mandir, Purani Haveli, Veerana.
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